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Elementary & Middle School

A Strong Sense of Academics and of Self

The key to education at Eastside Community School is balance: between students’ practical knowledge and their creative enthusiasm; in a rich curriculum where challenging academics are integrated with arts, music, and movement; and where we ensure that learning happens naturally and rhythmically while helping develop students’ skill and interest in a variety of subjects and activities.

Subjects are made engaging and exciting by teachers skilled in oral storytelling and by integrating each subject with a variety of arts. This overview represents the current planned curriculum for Eastside Community School. As our programs are defined, this page will be updated.

Elementary School

Students don’t merely absorb the subjects taught in the two-hour main lesson. Instead, they reach a deep understanding of each lesson by bringing it to life in books that they design, write, and illustrate about each subject.

Day-to-day learning takes place in a non-competitive environment. Parents receive regular updates through parent-teacher conferences, written evaluations of student progress, and close relationships between teachers, students, and families. Teachers and students often progress together from first grade through the middle school years.

Other specialty teachers add to the weekly rhythm by sharing their expertise in language instruction, music, handwork, and movement education.

Middle School

The middle school years can be both full of anxiousness to explore the world or conversely, full of anxiousness to not be ready. We meet these transition years by seeking a balance between a comforting continuity from the lower grades and increased academic and artistic challenges.

Students participate in multi-day trips such as biking, hiking and kayaking, which bring hands-on experiences linked to the academic curriculum. In eighth grade, all students complete a comprehensive research project, complete with written report, artistic project, display, and oral presentation to the school community.

This comprehensive approach to academics, the arts, and real life activities prepares students well for the challenges of high school. And they take with them a healthy, inclusive approach to social relationships, as they refine their ability to work as a team and to respect each other’s individuality.



School Hours
The grade school day begins at 8:00 a.m. every day. The school day ends at 3:00 p.m. Monday–Friday.

After-School Care
Available from dismissal time until 5:30 p.m.


First grade applicants must be six years old by May 31st. As part of the first grade preparation our kindergartners have a special Golden Eagle built into their last year before entering Elementary School.

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