Covid-19 Policies & Procedures
Eastside Community School is committed to providing the safest possible environment for in person learning. Our Safety Protocol has been developed in accordance with the latest regulations set by the WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and Department of Health (DOH) and utilizes layers of risk mitigation.
SYMPTOM CHECKS The most basic risk mitigation practice we have is for those who aren’t well to stay home. Families are asked to check their student each day for symptoms prior to bringing them to school. Students who have symptoms need to stay home. See Screening and Illness Flowchart. Flowchart indicates when students can come back.
FACE COVERINGS Masks covering the nose and the mouth are to be worn at all times on campus by all teachers, parents, and students (with the exception of preschool). Masks may only be removed indoors when socially distanced during mealtimes with permission of the teacher. Teachers may provide their class a mask break during outdoor activities that are structured with appropriate distancing between students.
Each classroom is equipped with an air purifier with H13 True HEPA.
The school facilities will be thoroughly sanitized following a strict cleaning regimen each day after classes are dismissed.
Children will be washing hands when:
They arrive at school
Before meals or snacks
After outside time
After going to the bathroom
After nose blowing or sneezing
Before leaving to go home
TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS Please refer to this chart from the CDC for guidance on Domestic and International Travel. If you are traveling, please make sure to quarantine according to the chart before coming back to school and submit test results to Veronika Lisuk.
In alignment with the DOH guidelines, we ask parents to choose whether their child must be masked or whether their child has the option to be without a mask during outdoor recess
Students without masks will be asked to maintain a 2-arm’s length distance from other students (i.e., if two students stretch out their arms, they should not be able to touch more than each other’s fingertips). If students wish to be closer, they can do so if they are wearing masks.
If an unmasked child is struggling to maintain the appropriate distance from others, they will receive a reminder to maintain their distance. If the student continues to be unable to maintain their distance, they will be asked to put on their mask.
The 2-arm’s length distance requirement for being unmasked will apply to all outdoor activities
If the recess area is crowded, students will be advised that masks should be worn
Covid-19 Testing Sites
Bellevue College (drive through, no appointment necessary)
GS Labs (Appointments made online)
King County testing locations and guidance
Make sure to sign the Acknowledgement of Risk and Community Pledge form and return to the main office.
You may follow this link to access the CDC Information Page.
Please contact Veronika Lisuk if you have any questions or concerns about safety practices. This page will be updated as needed.